DATE: 8.04.2012
nick: niaretpe
beastmaster talent build cataclysm 4.2 pvp
Beastmaster hunter pvp guide for Cataclysm – PrettyPls Tagged as: cataclysm patch 4.2 bm pvp build, go for the throat, survival. Focus Fire is more of a PvE talent, as it lends itself more to turret. For a slightly updated version of my BM PvP build, please refer to my Patch 4.2 version. Excellent talent for any hunter PvP build. Bestial Discipline (3/3) – Increased. Cataclysm BM Raid Talent Build: Level 85 Spec: 31/7/3. With the upcoming 4.2 change to Careful aim, is the talent still worth. or Killing streak if you are PvP.
Hunter cataclysm survival pvp spec – PrettyPls
BM Hunter Talent Build – Patch 4.3.2 | Warcraft Hunters Union
The Beginner’s Guide To Hunter PvP: Beast Mastery Talent Spec.So here is my survival spec for pvp in cataclysm. As we see the most fun thing is Mirrored Blades, that will have 100% chance to reflect any spells vs hunter to the enemy. Beastmaster hunter pvp guide for Cataclysm. Topics: - what got changed for bm spec in Cataclysm - what talent build to use. The PVP State Of Hunters In 4.2; Hunter Pet. well I only pvp enough to get my season bow for. it will be changed rather drastically in 4.2. The second build uses the Survival talent Entrapment to improve the amount.
Beast Mastery PvP Guide – BM PvP Talents and Glyphs
Patch 4.2 Cataclysm BM PvP Build - A Site for WoW Hunters.
beastmaster talent build cataclysm 4.2 pvp Beast Mastery Hunter and Patch 4.0.6: Talent Spec and Shot.
BM Hunter Talent Build – Patch 4.3.2 | Warcraft Hunters Union
Beast Mastery Hunter and Patch 4.0.6: Talent Spec and Shot.
Hunter builds - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
Patch 4.3 Beastmastery Hunter Quick Start Guide – Stats, talent.
The Hunter's Refuge: BM PvP
Cunning Pet Talents -- WoW Insider